For all questions, write to Skype: koronkov_michael So we will quickly resolve any issue. Corresponding in the comments is inconvenient, long and ineffective.

Description, Package Contents, Installation, Updates


This layout will save you from excessive variegation and awkward graphics of the poker room. That will allow you to play longer without experiencing fatigue and eye strain!

For your convenience, all files are packaged in an installer and installed as a regular program (not suitable for the "Build" function on the site).

You will be able to play all kinds of poker room games with this design.

Layout cost: If you divide the layout cost by 365 days (a year), it turns out that the investment in a comfortable game is only $ 0.06 per day! If more than a year, then even less!

The price is ridiculous. Give yourself a layout!

---Package Contents (What's Included):---

Cards: Cool HM Classic deck. Four options are installed at once - the spade suit in yellow or gray and 10 in the form of 10 or T.

Card backs: 12 options. Completely identical to the original HM Classic for PokerStars. All types are installed at once. Note: In special types of games where the shirt cannot be changed, the red shirt will be displayed.

Table: One, but you have the option of choosing 4 felt colors (black, green, blue and burgundy).

Pods (player place): This room does not have a separate file for the player's place, so it cannot be changed. But at the moment of the active move, the display of the pod will be displayed, while you can choose from five options (see special screenshot).

Notes: Unfortunately, there is no way to change the display of notes, except for its shape, which as a result has a square with rounded corners.

Action buttons: Unfortunately, you can’t change them, they are only red ones that come by default in the poker room.

Chips: Colored and identical (all chips of the same gray color), both options are installed at once.

Button: As in the original version of HM Classic for Pokerstars, both options are installed at once.

Backgrounds: 5 main options. Note: In special types of games where the background cannot be changed, one of the five main ones will be displayed.

Everything in the screenshots is included in the kit!

---Installation nuances:---

Close the poker room. Run the installer. If you do not want to install any of the files, just uncheck them. Set the layout. After that, launch the poker room and start playing.

In the poker room settings for the theme, you need to select - Default. Background - Alveol. Carpet - at your discretion.

Since the March 2023 update, when you close the poker room, it updates and erases the leyout. If you don't want to install it every time, rename the "app-update.yml" file here C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Programs\winamax\resources. When you need to update your Room, change the name back.


Note: If there is a pre-installed checkbox in the installer when choosing, this means you can either uncheck it and not install the element at all. Or choose another option, but uncheck the first one. You can't install more than one!


When installing, do not change the path unless you have changed the pokerroom folder.

It is specified in the installer: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Programs (just in case you change it back to the way it was)

---Update history:---

01.19.23 Version 1.2 Updated for the update of the poker room. Tables adapted.

01.02.23 Version 1.1

Optional update. Installer reconstruction:
1. It is convenient to make a choice or exclude something from the installation
2. Minimized the possibility of making a mistake
3. Added the function of remembering the selected components and the installation path (handy when reinstalling)
4. Changed the design of the installer


manezze 11 days ago Reply

Есть одно пожелание, для нижнего левого пода игрока в КО турнирах не видно часть размера бета (перекрывает) - приходится смотреть только в окне колла. Если бы можно было исправить расположение Ноков для левой части игроков было бы круто.

TRMK 11 days ago replied to manezze Reply

Подозреваю, что у вас не последняя версия лейаута. В последней я сделал ноки круглыми и бет не должен перекрываться. На расположение я не могу повлиять, увы.

obrechen_na_yspex 13 days ago Reply

будут другие лейауты на винамакс,кроме HM Classic?

TRMK 13 days ago replied to obrechen_na_yspex Reply

Не знаю. Пока не планировл.

den_bash 14 days ago Reply

В турнирах space CO выводит нок который игрок набил, но он не актуальный, актуальный средний нок или уровень ноков. Есть ли возможность поправить это?

TRMK 14 days ago replied to den_bash Reply

Не совсем понял о чем речь. В любом случае, это рум выводит и нок и информацию, а не лейаут. Я на вывод ноков никак не могу повлиять.

den_bash 13 days ago replied to TRMK Reply

Я прошу прощения, не увидел что у меня стояла версия 2,3, поставил 2,9 и вся информация по турнирам space есть и актуальна. Спасибо за лей!

Bekbayev 19 days ago Reply

привет оплатил переводом на карту на сумму 2253 . подтвердите оплату

TRMK 19 days ago replied to Bekbayev Reply

Салют! С этими вопросами лучше писать администратору. Я оплатами не занимаюсь совсем.)

sivuha_pavel 2 years ago Reply

Подскажите когда выйдет обновление под последнее обновление рума(с показом карт)?

TRMK 2 years ago replied to sivuha_pavel Reply

В течение часа.

handreader1_7 7 months ago replied to TRMK Reply

подскажите, а почему Kasperskyопределяет ваш установщик как троян и удаляет его?

TRMK 7 months ago replied to handreader1_7 Reply

Салют! Проверь установщик на вирустотал или похожем ресурсе и убедившись, что вирусов нет, добавь его в разрешения Касперского.

handreader1_7 7 months ago replied to TRMK Reply

окей, принял, сделаю

handreader1_7 7 months ago replied to TRMK Reply

у вас есть skype или telegram, куда можно написать вам?

TRMK 7 months ago replied to handreader1_7 Reply

Написан в описании

handreader1_7 7 months ago replied to TRMK Reply

написал вам в skype

Winamax HM Classic theme

Тhemes • Winamax Poker
Installation guide

Windows (7, 10, 11) See product description macOS Not supported Linux Not supported

Updated 18 Jan 2025 Version 2.9
Layout updated to version 2.9.0
Changed spaceKO icons and normal KOs rounded.
All versions